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Campaign Exploring the Sustainable Future of Bitcoin

Campaign Strategy, Content Strategy, Branding
March 2020


CleanSpark was undergoing a significant transformation, shifting its focus from being an energy microgrid company to becoming a prominent player in the bitcoin mining industry. This drastic pivot necessitated a rebranding effort. My team was tasked with leading the creative charge, not only to rebrand the company but also to effectively communicate this new identity to current and prospective investors.


Our primary challenge was how to convey this radical shift to our existing investors. CleanSpark had established itself as an energy microgrid company dedicated to providing efficient and sustainable energy solutions. Transitioning to bitcoin mining, an industry often criticized for its high energy consumption and perceived lack of social responsibility, required careful and strategic messaging. Additionally, without a physical product to sell, our brand's value was now entirely dependent on perception, aiming to attract and retain investor interest.

It was crucial to demonstrate that CleanSpark's commitment to environmental and social standards remained intact. We needed to position ourselves as the most responsible and sustainable bitcoin miners in North America, leveraging our background in energy efficiency and sustainability.


We devised a sustainability campaign aimed at reintroducing CleanSpark to our existing audience while establishing our presence in the cryptocurrency space. Key elements of our strategy included:

  • Content Strategy: We developed a content strategy to roll out our new brand identity, focusing on transparency, sustainability, and approachability.
  • New Tagline: We introduced the tagline, "For a better world," encapsulating our mission to contribute positively to the planet.
  • Core Values and Vision: We redefined our core values, mission, and vision to reflect our eco-friendly approach to bitcoin mining.
  • Brand Update: Our logo and overall branding were updated to emphasize our commitment to sustainability.
  • Informative Video Content: We created videos to showcase our transparent operations and approachable persona in a typically impersonal industry.
  • Event Presence: We attended major conferences and shows with impactful booths to establish our brand presence and connect with the community.

The "For a better world" campaign aimed to highlight our dedication to improving the planet by investing in low-carbon energy sources. CleanSpark's vision has always been to facilitate abundant, affordable, clean energy. With their experience in the distributed energy space, we identified bitcoin mining as an area ripe for innovation. As the world increasingly embraces clean energy, our goal was to portray the narrative that bitcoin mining can play a crucial role in driving these efforts.

We needed to revisit our approach and set new goals to align our KPIs with our updated mission and vision. My team spearheaded the initiative by initiating discussions and conducting internal focus groups with stakeholders for this rebranding campaign.

We had a limited amount of time to learn and understand the cryptocurrency space and our new target audience. With so much to absorb, we had to quickly shift our focus from mastering the energy sector to delving into this relatively unknown and complex industry. Once we grasped who we were addressing, we promptly created an estimated timeline to execute our communication strategy.


Our rebranding efforts were met with positive reception. Members of the crypto community began to refer to us as the "good guys" of bitcoin mining. Our ESG initiatives demonstrated our commitment to enhancing the communities we operate in, creating jobs in rural areas, and stabilizing local grids. We showed that bitcoin could be a force for good, providing financial access without government control and contributing to community improvement.


The campaign was a success. Within a year, we rebranded the company, updated all marketing materials and the website, and effectively differentiated ourselves from other miners in America. This transformation elevated us from being newcomers to one of the top bitcoin miners in the country.