D is for Discovery
During the first part of the design process, I learn about the client/stakeholder through a series of persona exercises and a curated questionnaire. Here I learn more about any existing branding materials, the clients/stakeholders brand perception, mission and vision, and any additional details important to learn about the company. I also identify current problems/issues and create a wishlist of items needed to be addressed. After I've gathered all the information I need, expectations are set and requirements that align with the mission and overall goals are defined.
R + I is for Research & Ideate
In this step of the process, I take what I’ve learned from the discovery stage. Brainstorming begins and I delve into understanding the issues and use cases. I begin to introduce potential solutions--sketching, wire-framing, and exploration happens here. Depending on the project, I'll execute 1:1 interviews, focus groups, surveys, and usability testing to further collect data.
P is for Produce and Prototype
The fun part begins when I get to this stage of the process. I build out the design and produce site maps, user flows, mockups, lo-fidelity wireframes, and prototype(s). At this stage, I create the first iterations of the product and test usability.
E is for Evaluate
When I get to a good place internally, I present fresh concepts and evaluate the product with the client/stakeholder. Here I to go back and forth with perfecting the product and assess steps to finalizing the design.
D is for Deliver
Making sure I've delivered something to the client/stakeholder that I'm comfortable saying I've designed while still feeling like they received the service/product I promised is an important step to my creative process. I ensure I have all my bases covered and give them all the deliverables and final files. This isn’t the step where clients can still ask for iterations or changes. Here is where I deliver the FINAL product.